Empreendedorismo e Inovação Mercado

Article 3: A Weak Country Is a Vulnerable Country. a Strong Nation Is An Independent Nation.

Pillar of support for economic powerhouses – competition in the purchase of jet fighters

When comparing Brazil’s investments in its armed forces with all the BRIC countries and the United States, we realize that Brazil is the one that invests less, according to the chart

What motivates a country to invest in its armed forces, instead of using these funds to directly benefit their population through infrastructure, hospitals, schools, etc?

Let’s suppose that one country with low representation of its GDP, compared with the richest of the world, and poorly equipped armed forces, has a conflict with a country that is a member of NATO, what would happen?

In order to get legitimacy to its military government and divert peoples’ attention from almost 90% inflation and the deep resection which was immersed, on April 2nd, 1982, Argentina, invaded Falkland Islands trying to recover the archipelago under occupation of United Kingdom, member of NATO. The Argentinean Armed Forces had big number of French aircraft, as the Mirage and the Super Étendard. On April 9th, United Kingdom received support from European Economic Community (today European Union), NATO, Commonwealth of Nations and UN. Argentina, highly dependent on Super Étendard and Exocet missiles, both from France, found itself unable to obtain more missiles due to the support of France to the United Kingdom. And since the Argentineans did not own the Super Étendard project, they failed to integrate other missiles of the same category with this aircraft. The Exocet is an anti-ship missile, which was vital to win this war, since the combat happened eminently in the sea.

France joined the embargo by the European Economic Community held against Argentina. History teaches that the acquisition of war materials from aligned countries has its burden, but what most weakened Argentina was its low representation as a world economy and especially its very high dependence on a single country, regarding the acquisition of weapons and aircraft. We can add to that a very important fact: the Argentineans didn’t have a deep knowledge in its military equipment, that precluded them from integrate missiles from other nations into their systems.

Over-reliance can lead a nation to weakness and, consequently, the loss of its sovereignty.

Brazil is currently seeking new jet fighters for its Air Force – FAB – its opportunity to align with the BRIC peers.  To achieve this goal it must invest in developing a fifth generation fighter, using technology developed in Brazil associated with technologies from non-aligned or neutral countries. With Sweden’s help, Brazil can invest in a jet fighter production with technology ready, speeding up the production process, equating itself to the other BRIC members. Align itself with Sweden, in practice means to associate with a neutral country. Thus, Brazil ensures its military independence and sovereignty.

It is crucial the country decides this issue taking into account, above all matters, and the certainty to be able to maintain itself, in the future, as independent and sovereign country.

Fernando Arbache

Fernando Arbache

Mestre em Engenharia Industrial PUC/Rio. Independent Education Consultant working with MIT Professional Education. Graduado em Engenharia Civil, UFJF. Data and Models in Engineering, Science, and Business/MIT, Cambridge, MA (USA). Challenges of Leadership in Teams/MIT, Cambridge, MA (USA). Data Science: Data to Insights/MIT, Cambridge, MA (USA). AnyLogic Advanced Program of Simulation Modeling/Hampton, NJ (USA). Experiência Acadêmica: Educational Consultant working with MIT. Instructor in Digital Courses at MIT Professional Education in Digital Transformation and Leadership in Innovation. Atuou cimo coordenador da FGV em cursos de Gestão. Atuou como professor FGV, nas cadeiras e Logística, Estatística, Gestão de Riscos e Sistemas de Informação. Professor da HSM Educação, IBMEC e FATEC. Livros escritos: ARBACHE, F. Gestão da Logística, Distribuição e Trade Marketing. São Paulo: Ed. FGV, 2004. ARBACHE, F. Logística Empresarial. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Petrobras, 2005. ARBACHE, A. P. e ARBACHE, F. Sustentabilidade Empresarial no Brasil: Cenários e Projetos. São José do Rio Preto- SP: Raízes Gráfica e Editora, 2012. Pesquisa: Desenvolvimento de modelos de mapeamento de Competências Comportamentais e Técnicas, por meio de gamificação com uso de Inteligência Artificial, utilizando Deep Learning e Machine Learning (http://www.arbache.com/mobi). Programa de Inovação com 75 cooperativas de diversas áreas de atuação e aproximadamente 500 participantes, com Kick-off no MIT PE (http://www.arbache.com/inovacoop). Desenvolvimento de Inteligências nos dados e métricas - Big data e precisão nas tomadas de decisões na gestão de pessoas. Experiência Profissional: CIO (Chief Innovations Officer) da empresa Arbache Innovations especializada em simulação, inovação com foro em HRTech e EduTech – empresa premiada no programa Conecta (http://conecta.cnt.org.br) como uma das 5 entre 500 startups mais inovadoras da América Latina. Acelerada pela Plug&Play (https://www.plugandplaytechcenter.com) em Sunnyvale, CA – Vale do Silício entre novembro e dezembro de 2018. Desenvolvimento de parceria com o MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology para cursos presenciais e digitais – http://www.arbache.com/mitpe, https://professional.mit.edu/programs/digital-plus-programs/who-we-work & https://professional.mit.edu/programs/international-programs/who-we-work

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