Empreendedorismo e Inovação Mercado

Article 1: Sovereignty – The Key To Become An Economic Powerhouse

Geopolitical neutrality and national sovereignty guaranteed by the armed forces – way for Brazil as an economic powerhouse

According to Jean Bodin (Angers, 1530 — Laon, 1596), French jurist, member of the Parliament of Paris, professor of law in Toulouse, and considered by many as the father of Political Science, sovereignty is a perpetual and unlimited power, or rather, a power whose only limitations are the divine and natural laws. It is absolute within the established limits by these laws. Despite being an extreme concept, appropriated to the social, religious, political and cultural scene of the moment in which it was developed, it can be considered, in a current interpretation, associated with the precepts of capitalism and existing democracies, that sovereignty requires a strong state, with capability to keep its legitimate foundations, defending its ideological and economic precepts of foreign and internal agents.

Sovereignty is the exclusive right of a supreme authority over a geographical area and its citizens, and in the case of a democracy, this authority represents the will of the people that gave the governor, through the direct vote, the right to arbitrate.

To be sovereign, a country must be able to defend itself from internal and foreign opposite forces. A nation’s capacity to defend itself allows it to be treated as an equal in the international community. One country, when showing weakness, becomes a target of intervention from other power-hungry states or sovereigns.

We can see, many times in History, countries being invaded with no power to retaliate. A recent example was Kuwait’s invasion by Iraq, on April 2nd, 1990, in the Persian Gulf region. Iraq military power was so superior to Kuwait’s, that the military maneuver was just a process of Kuwait annexation by Iraq as its 19th governorate. At that moment the Iraqi leader’s goal was increase its economic power; by seen that Kuwait was among the ten largest oil producers in the world and Iraq among the fifteen. Together they would be among the five largest oil producers on Earth.

The territory’s occupation in order to strengthen the economic power of the invader’s country, aims the conquest of power in the global geopolitics.

Geopolitics is a sum of the terms Geo (Planet Earth) + Politics (sovereign structure of the States that compose the studied scenario). Thus, we can infer that Geopolitics is the political management of a region or even the entire planet.

From a geopolitical perspective, the Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait shows us what were Saddam Hussein’s goals, clearly associated to the need of economic recovery due to the huge financial losses caused by the Iran-Iraq war, occurred between 1980 and 1988; by the necessity to increase its oil production and, finally, to achieve greater geopolitical regional and global power. One reason for the invasion, claimed by then Iraqi president, was that Kuwait was harming Iraq in the oil trading, selling the product for a very low price. As a result, Iraq would be losing the consumer market and had to lower the price of its oil in the international market.

This event raises the following question: “if Kuwait had qualified armed forces, the Iraq invasion would go ahead?”

The next article will assess how the military weakness makes a nation ceasing to be “colonized” by a military powerhouse to become protectorate of another.

Fernando Arbache

Fernando Arbache

Mestre em Engenharia Industrial PUC/Rio. Independent Education Consultant working with MIT Professional Education. Graduado em Engenharia Civil, UFJF. Data and Models in Engineering, Science, and Business/MIT, Cambridge, MA (USA). Challenges of Leadership in Teams/MIT, Cambridge, MA (USA). Data Science: Data to Insights/MIT, Cambridge, MA (USA). AnyLogic Advanced Program of Simulation Modeling/Hampton, NJ (USA). Experiência Acadêmica: Educational Consultant working with MIT. Instructor in Digital Courses at MIT Professional Education in Digital Transformation and Leadership in Innovation. Atuou cimo coordenador da FGV em cursos de Gestão. Atuou como professor FGV, nas cadeiras e Logística, Estatística, Gestão de Riscos e Sistemas de Informação. Professor da HSM Educação, IBMEC e FATEC. Livros escritos: ARBACHE, F. Gestão da Logística, Distribuição e Trade Marketing. São Paulo: Ed. FGV, 2004. ARBACHE, F. Logística Empresarial. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Petrobras, 2005. ARBACHE, A. P. e ARBACHE, F. Sustentabilidade Empresarial no Brasil: Cenários e Projetos. São José do Rio Preto- SP: Raízes Gráfica e Editora, 2012. Pesquisa: Desenvolvimento de modelos de mapeamento de Competências Comportamentais e Técnicas, por meio de gamificação com uso de Inteligência Artificial, utilizando Deep Learning e Machine Learning (http://www.arbache.com/mobi). Programa de Inovação com 75 cooperativas de diversas áreas de atuação e aproximadamente 500 participantes, com Kick-off no MIT PE (http://www.arbache.com/inovacoop). Desenvolvimento de Inteligências nos dados e métricas - Big data e precisão nas tomadas de decisões na gestão de pessoas. Experiência Profissional: CIO (Chief Innovations Officer) da empresa Arbache Innovations especializada em simulação, inovação com foro em HRTech e EduTech – empresa premiada no programa Conecta (http://conecta.cnt.org.br) como uma das 5 entre 500 startups mais inovadoras da América Latina. Acelerada pela Plug&Play (https://www.plugandplaytechcenter.com) em Sunnyvale, CA – Vale do Silício entre novembro e dezembro de 2018. Desenvolvimento de parceria com o MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology para cursos presenciais e digitais – http://www.arbache.com/mitpe, https://professional.mit.edu/programs/digital-plus-programs/who-we-work & https://professional.mit.edu/programs/international-programs/who-we-work

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