Coaching Gestão de Pessoas

The Impact Of Diversity And Creativity

Educative trends backed by verifiable forms of certification are emerging within most countries throughout the world resulting in improved incomes for families, better schooling for the children and adults, thus ploughing the way for new aspirations, creativity and diversity within the workplace and society of today.

Throughout most first world communities there is a genuine acceptance that people must hold a university degree, or at the very least, gain the appropriate certificates to establish their credentials for any role that they choose to pursue as a career.
This acceptance of the need for recognition through certification is not only bringing greater financial rewards and security to the successful, but feeds the spiralling cycle that reflects a need for successful candidates to soar higher and seek even greater rewards. Those in the workforce see skill development as an investment, and new certificates their vehicle to even greater rewards and greater success. This new reality is reducing the financial distance between the low and high social classes in many nations across the world in this new era.

How does this new reality impact on companies?

It is from this throng of men and women that are for ever seeking greater experiences well documented with verified certificates that companies are hiring their leaders, building their teams and creating their own success stories. It is from this diverse mix of men and women that new paradigms are being established as the norm, new approaches are being developed to deal with changing market trends and these are the very same people smashing the sales goals and targets that were only dreamed about before this knowledge revolution.

What impact does a diverse approach bring to companies and nations?

If we are looking for motivators to break the barriers of preconception, we must develop an understanding of diversity in the marketplace and establish mechanisms to turn these into advantages. Here are some examples one might consider. A company that accepts a dynamic and diverse environment and is seen by employees as pro-active in responding to the resulting challenges will:

1 – Enjoy a reduction in staff turnover and absenteeism – when a company fosters support and shares a commitment to embody success with its employees the attitude is contagious and spreads quickly resulting in an inherent respect for the company and management. Staff members will have more commitment to the company and re-evaluate their own work expectations and goals.
2 – Attract employees with talent to the team – staff members thrive in an environment based on merit, a meritocracy where they are judged not only on who they know or how long they have been in a position, but recognized and respected for what they can bring to the company. This kind of well supported environment promotes spontaneity, fulfilment and becomes a breeding place for leaders and success stories. Success breeds success and winners operating within a company attract other successful people that want to join the company team, as they know that the road to success is easily replicated in such a positive and well supported framework.
3 – Develop understandings of new cultures to build new markets and foster a market share – innovative strategies shared at the base level environment of the company opens the minds of staff members to generate new and more favourable behaviour based on the new paradigms created by the company. The individual is well supported in creative teams that are rewarded for sharing and for the success they foster from simply doing their jobs well.
4 – Foster creativity and innovation from all teams and team members – with the establishment of new cultures and attitudes staff members will become pro-active in creating “new” ways to deal with customers, new products to meet the needs of their customers and new strategies to attract more customers. Employees find that they are no longer harnessed under the restraints of tried and tested strategies that have become out-dated in today’s market place. While they will always seek guidance and confirmation from their teams and leaders, they will be encouraged and rewarded for innovation and forward thinking.
5 – Improve its capabilities to fix problems – diverse approaches to difficulties amplify the capability of the company to establish and detail what the problem is. Name it, identify it and solve it can become the motto of the company that embodies a depth of staff experiences, combined with the ability to think out of the box. No market trend presents as a barrier that cannot be overcome.

Different identities, that source new and innovative ideas, perceptions and career histories generate behaviours based on diversity, innovation and creativity, forming more flexible and versatile teams to deal with the challenges inherent in the marketplace of today. The heterogeneity of the resulting company culture delivers new company capabilities that allow the company to better understand the questions, predict and manipulate the angles to consider, and prosper from the new insights gleaned from the new depths of marketplace intelligence that has been opened to them through their modern day approach to team building.

Fernando Arbache

Fernando Arbache

Mestre em Engenharia Industrial PUC/Rio. Independent Education Consultant working with MIT Professional Education. Graduado em Engenharia Civil, UFJF. Data and Models in Engineering, Science, and Business/MIT, Cambridge, MA (USA). Challenges of Leadership in Teams/MIT, Cambridge, MA (USA). Data Science: Data to Insights/MIT, Cambridge, MA (USA). AnyLogic Advanced Program of Simulation Modeling/Hampton, NJ (USA). Experiência Acadêmica: Educational Consultant working with MIT. Instructor in Digital Courses at MIT Professional Education in Digital Transformation and Leadership in Innovation. Atuou cimo coordenador da FGV em cursos de Gestão. Atuou como professor FGV, nas cadeiras e Logística, Estatística, Gestão de Riscos e Sistemas de Informação. Professor da HSM Educação, IBMEC e FATEC. Livros escritos: ARBACHE, F. Gestão da Logística, Distribuição e Trade Marketing. São Paulo: Ed. FGV, 2004. ARBACHE, F. Logística Empresarial. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Petrobras, 2005. ARBACHE, A. P. e ARBACHE, F. Sustentabilidade Empresarial no Brasil: Cenários e Projetos. São José do Rio Preto- SP: Raízes Gráfica e Editora, 2012. Pesquisa: Desenvolvimento de modelos de mapeamento de Competências Comportamentais e Técnicas, por meio de gamificação com uso de Inteligência Artificial, utilizando Deep Learning e Machine Learning ( Programa de Inovação com 75 cooperativas de diversas áreas de atuação e aproximadamente 500 participantes, com Kick-off no MIT PE ( Desenvolvimento de Inteligências nos dados e métricas - Big data e precisão nas tomadas de decisões na gestão de pessoas. Experiência Profissional: CIO (Chief Innovations Officer) da empresa Arbache Innovations especializada em simulação, inovação com foro em HRTech e EduTech – empresa premiada no programa Conecta ( como uma das 5 entre 500 startups mais inovadoras da América Latina. Acelerada pela Plug&Play ( em Sunnyvale, CA – Vale do Silício entre novembro e dezembro de 2018. Desenvolvimento de parceria com o MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology para cursos presenciais e digitais –, &

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