Empreendedorismo e Inovação Sustentabilidade

True Sustainability Vs Green-Washing: Brazilian Companies Are Falling Behind On This Vital Trend

Professor Ana Paula Arbache

The Agenda for 2030 promises new opportunities for companies that present policies and products developed and delivered from a backbone based on real sustainability. Those that offer Green-Washing are doomed to failure.

Modern day entrepreneurs agree that the strategic agendas of most major Brazilian companies are outdated. The Brazilian Entrepreneur Counselor to Sustainable Development has commented on the lack of preparedness of these companies to respond to the market demands of sustainability. They observe that in most instances the joint efforts could only be described as lacking a sense of market maturity, at best.

Companies in the western world are leading the way in this area. Most products that compete successfully on the world stage are run through a strict analysis based on sustainability at all levels from production, through the carbon footprint of logistics, to point of sale strategies on the supermarket shelves or showroom floor.


Modern day entrepreneurs agree that the strategic agendas of most major Brazilian companies are outdated


Studies have shown that Brazilian companies are not taking full advantage of the opportunities being offered them through the sustainability. Companies that are not fulfilling their obligations in this area are failing to meet the challenges of the new market place, they are experiencing a real time loss of opportunity, and many of them remain transfixed in the illusion that they are saving money by avoiding this trend. These companies are failing to meet public demands, they are ignoring the cries of the marketplace, and ultimately they are turning down opportunities that will cost them a projected share of 28 Billion Dollars of lost market share.

These figures and dynamic statements seem rather grand at best. Those who need convincing should follow these links to read up on the developing markets that they are clearly overlooking.

The theme that repeats through all these references is the role of sustainability in securing new sales in the marketplace of today and in the immediate future.
The marketplace has now an environmental intelligence, or awareness, where the carbon footprint your product imprints on the world stage has become as important as the needs that your products fulfil and the services you can offer prospective buyers and their consumers. Proactive companies are investing time, energy, staff development hours and other emerging commitments to develop technologies to reduce water consumption, optimize energy usage, minimize resource consumption and even optimize livestock management procedures along lines of sustainability. These companies are maneuvering to ensure that they take their share of the potential US$ 100 trillions of investment that will flow from having these policies entrenched in their policies and being able to back up what their policies state with actual products that reflect them in real time. Companies that conformed with these requirements in 2015 received US$ 41.84 billion, 14% more than 2014.
Companies that wish to become a candidate that benefits from the investments generated from the 2030 Agenda will need to improve their sustainability strategies to compete at International levels. They will need to establish track records in areas that demonstrate mastery in:

1 – The management of natural resources with support of new technologies
2 – The reuse of waste from feedstock to reduce waste and produce transformed waste to supply their production chains
3 – The ongoing improvement of supply chains and implement initiatives in support of the governance of small and medium suppliers to guarantee the tracking of feedstock evolution within the supply chain
4 – To generate the new business and incomes from the new sustainable opportunities.

Companies can no longer afford to green-wash the products or services they offer the public. Not only have the public and supply chains become aware of environmental issues and the impacts these have on their environment, consumers are demanding that products reflect a true recognition of the impact of products on the environment and they are voting with their buying power. Companies must gear up now before it is too late to recognize and respond to this very real trend in today’s marketplace. Sustainability must be a criterion that stands with terms like profitability, and market share as companies review and build their product registers in response to the 2030 Agenda.
Policies of sustainability must become part of the back-bone, even a component of the DNA of all companies that wish to compete in the marketplace of today and respond to the demands as predicted by market leaders and delivered in terms of a 2030 Agenda for companies to align with. Company investment in innovations that promote sustainability is no longer the exception, it has become the rule.

Ana Paula Arbache

Ana Paula Arbache

Pós-doutora em Educação pela PUC/SP. Doutora em Educação pela PUC-SP. Mestre em Educação pela UFRJ. Certificada pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology/MIT- Challenges of Leadership in Teams (2015), Leading Innovative Teams (2018). Docente dos cursos de MBA e Pós MBA da Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Orientadora e avaliadora de trabalhos de pós-graduação. Sócia Diretora da Arbache Innovtions, responsável pelas ações de Gestão de Pessoas, Liderança, Governança Corporativa, Sustentabilidade Ética, Social e Ambiental e Elaboração e Aplicação Jogos de Negócios. Pesquisadora e autora das obras: A Educação de Jovens e Adultos Numa Perspectiva Multicultural Crítica (2001), Projetos Sustentáveis Estudos e Práticas Brasileiras (2010), Projetos Sustentáveis: Estudos e Práticas Brasileiras II (2011), Sustentabilidade Empresarial no Brasil: Cenários e Projetos (2012), A crise e o impacto na carreira (2015), O RH Transformando a Gestão – Org. (2018). Certificação em Coaching e Mentoring de Carreira para Executivos. Mentora do Capítulo PMI/SP. Curadora e Colunista do blog arbache.com/blog e Página Mundo Melhor de Empoderamento Feminino Arbache innovations. Fundadora do Coletivo HubMulheres. Palestrante em encontros nacionais e internacionais.

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